Personal/Social development & Career/Life planning
Personal/Social Development
Personal and Social Development (BAS 1210) is a course designed to provide experiences to enhance the development of behaviors that are characteristic of successful college students. BAS 1210 is a two-credit hour course that serves as an introduction to higher education and an on-going orientation to the University’s history, mission, philosophy, rules and regulations, and resources. The course will acquaint students with various learning styles and study skills with an emphasis on critical thinking and the application of technology, while other aspects of the course will encourage participation in various facets of University life. We will use guided journal writings to explore these strategies, and as a bonus, the student will learn to express themselves more effectively in writing. The students may never have an opportunity quite like this one to discover how to create a rich, personally fulfilling life. We urge the students to make the most of this extraordinary opportunity! If they do, they will dramatically change the outcome of their life – for the better!
Academic Skills and Development
Special services and resources are available through the Academic Skills and Developmental Services (ASDS) Program. Two courses, Basic Reading I (ASDS 1210) and Basic Reading II (ASDS 1211), are provided for students with special needs in reading. These courses emphasize and provide reading instruction in vocabulary development through the implementation of word-attack skills, context clues, and dictionary usage. Students are instructed in various levels and kinds of comprehension; they also learn techniques for training in surveying, skimming and scanning. Generally, students are assigned to reading courses based on their score on the reading component of the ACT or SAT. Walk-ins are also accommodated. The Reading Laboratory provides services and resources for students enrolled in the reading courses.
Career/Life Planning
Career and Life Planning presents practical guidelines, tools, and activities that prepare students to confirm an appropriate career, to conduct a successful job search, and to lay the foundation for successful career development. Emphasis is on Career Action assignments, which the students will use to assess their skills and interests, to research prospective employers, to learn about current application requirements, to prepare resumes and cover letter, to practice meeting with business people in their targeted career field, and to practice interviewing. These assignments polish the students’ job search and career management skills so they can apply them directly to achieving their immediate and future career goals.
Bring Professional Attire
All degree-seeking students are required to take Career and Life Planning. Mock interviews will be conducted and professional dress is required.
Conservative two-piece business suit (Solid navy, charcoal grey, or black)
Conservative long-sleeved shirt (White is best, pastel is next best)
Necktie, if there is a pattern, please select a conservative pattern
Dark shoes
Dark socks
No earrings or visible piercings (nose rings, eyebrow rings, etc.)
Conservative two-piece business suit (Solid navy, charcoal grey, or black); skirts two inches below the knee (no dresses)
Shoes with conservative heels (1-2 inches)
Conservative hosiery at or near skin color (no runs; always carry an extra pair)
Conservative blouse (White is best, pastel is next best)
No visible piercings (nose rings, eyebrow rings, etc.)
One set of earrings (preferably studs)
Contact Us
Basic Academic Services
(870) 575 – 8356
Dr. Mary Brentley, Director